Monday, June 22, 2009

Jon and Kate's Big Mistake

Jon and Kate of TLC's "Jon and Kate Plus Eight" have made many many mistakes. They have put their family, including eight young children, on reality telelvision. They have shown tremendous disrespect for eachother by the way they treated oneanother on the show and in front of their children. They have blamed the media for their family's problems.
But Jon and Kate's biggest mistake is a mistake that many parents make. Parents that are not on reality telelvision programs for all to see. The mistake that Jon and Kate make, which you may be making, is putting your children first.
There. I said it. I've been dying to say it. Since I started watching the show, not since their marriage began to publicly dissolve, but since I began watching the show about a year ago, this is what ran through my mind over and over again. They are putting their kids first. That will be the death of their family.
Now I know it's so popular to "put your kids first". But it's not going to work. I can assure you of this. Because the most important thing you can give your children, hands down, is a working marriage. So all you wives out there that putting your husbands second in the names of your children are doing your children a HUGE disservice. If you want to be good to your children, then be good to your husband. Put him first. Sleep with him. Pamper him. Cook for him. Be affectionate with him. Doing these things for your children instead of him will hurt them deeply in the long run.
I don't want to pick on the ladies because men too need to put kids second (yep...said it again!). But many times they put those kids first because they are following the wives lead.
I will have more specific blogs on this topic...there is just so much to say-I can only begin to scratch the surface here....
Want to give your kids the most wonder gift that is everlasting? Love your spouse. First. And everything else with grow from that.