Saturday, February 14, 2009

Traveling Office

If you're like me you have a wish list a mile kitchen, second floor laundry room, private office with a lock on it...the list goes on and on. Well, one of my wishes was recently granted. Not completely, but us moms learn to take what we can get.
We all share on desk top computer in the basement. And not the finished half of the basement. It's literally set up on my husband's "workbench". In this area are lots and lots of paper...mostly coloring pictures the kids have printed online and spread all over the concrete floor. Where the mouse is suppose to move are markers, fruit snack wrappers and crumbs. The washer and dryer run continuously so you can forget about watching a clip on YouTube or listening to music on iTunes. Oh, did I happen to mention that it's cold down there? I mean like mittens cold, not sweater cold.
So 2 weeks ago my husband tells me that an extra laptop became available at his office. I try not to get my hopes up, but come on! A computer! All for me? There is nothing in this home that is all mine. We all share one full bathroom, I share hair accessories with my 10 year old and shoes with my 21 month old. Don't believe me? Go check out my upstairs hall at any given moment on any given day. She tries them all on every morning. Without fail.
So I am so thrilled to say that this is my first blog on my own computer! I feel so grown up. And although I won't be getting my own office until a few of my little "friends" as I like to call them, move out of the house, I now have a travelling office. It's in the kitchen with me all day. And then at night I can respond to emails in my own bed. I don't have to wait my turn or close out 10,000 games before I can log in. I'm so spoiled. It's mine. All mine. And you can't have it.

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