Monday, March 16, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things

There are so many things that I have been enjoying lately about my children. We all have our "favorite things" and I thought I'd share mine.

Stinky baby toes, you know, the kind that have been in red keds all day with no socks.
Baby's breath....especially a 12-24 month old baby's breath. And especially after nap.
First baskets on the big hoop (had that one yesterday for our 4th).
When the older kids dote on the little ones.
Watching/Listening to them laugh at America's Funniest Home Videos.
When children pray. Especially for people that have died. A long time ago. Yet they keep on prayin'!
The smell of their blankies
Toes. All of them. Even if they are not my kids. I love their pigs.
Good grades.
I love when my children see someone elses baby and they fall in love with them.
I love stories about the kid in class that manages to get himself into trouble every single day. God love him.
Toddlers in helmets. I always think they are just gonna tip over.
I love when they are so small they can only hold a finger, not a hand. And they hold on for dear life.

At the end of each day I think about all of the funny things they did. I try to relay them to my husband and in doing so I get to relive it. In fact, I don't ever go to bed overwhelmed or disappointed about how the day went. I'm grateful for that.

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